ABC's Of Color Fabric Book Panel to Sew

ABC's Of Color Fabric Book Panel to Sew - QuiltGirls® SALE
ABC's Of Color Fabric Book Panel to Sew - QuiltGirls® SALE

In the Beginning Fabrics

$13.10 $14.55

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New. Fabric Book Panel. Help your child learn some fun colors and identify adorable pictures.  This book panel has Pink (flamingo and heart),  Aquamarine (fish and octopus), White (swan and daisy), Saffron (bees and honey), Red (apple and ladybug), and Mint (lizard and ice cream).  Fabric by Jennifer Heynen for In The Beginning.  (2023)  Cotton Fabric. 35"x44", pages aprox 8 1/2"x8 1/2"

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