Hush Little Ones Fabric Book Panel to Sew

Hush Little Ones Fabric Book Panel to Sew - QuiltGirls® SALE
Hush Little Ones Fabric Book Panel to Sew - QuiltGirls® SALE

Elizabeths Studio

$12.78 $14.20
Availability: 3 in stock

New. Fabric Book Panel. This book panel shows all types of animal mommies and babies. There is a mouse, a bunny, a chimp, a duck, a lion, and more.  Each animal mom has its own special way of saying goodnight.  "Hush little lions, no time for play.  Cuddle up close, at the end of the day!"  Your child will love it!   Fabric by John Butler for Elizabeths Studio. Cotton Fabric. 35"x44", pages aprox 9"x9" (2019)

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